Health and Safety
Yard Duty
Children are always supervised outside at play time and lunch time. Two teachers are on duty in the school grounds, one on the oval and one in the school area. There are two playgrounds one designated for Prep- 2 students and the other for 3-6 students. 5 /6 students are permitted to use the tennis courts and the cricket nets. All students are permitted to play on the oval. No children are allowed to play at the front of the school.
Allergy Alert
We have several students in our school that have severe allergies to nuts / blue berries /mandarins and orange flavour enhancers found on Burger Rings and Twisties. We request that students do not bring these products on to the school site to ensure the safety of students who have severe allergies. We recommend that parents reinforce to children not to swap or share their food as a further precautionary measure.
Bicycles in the School Ground
For safety reasons, bikes are not to be ridden within the school grounds. They must be wheeled to and from the bike rack. Students are required to wear a bicycle helmet by law.
Visitor’s Book
It is a Department of Education requirement that visitors sign a Visitor’s Book in the
school office. (For example, parent help, sports clinic leaders, trades people)
Speech Therapist
A School Speech therapist visits the school on a needs basis. The School Speech therapist may assess a child and plan a program for school and or home.
Where possible, student medication should be administered by parents, at home. If a student requires medication at school a form must be completed for the child at the office.
School Nurse
A trained School Health Nurse visits the school during the year to carry out routine health checks on Foundation students. Parent’s permission is required for this to take place.
School Psychologist
A School Psychologist visits the school on a needs basis.
Sun Smart
Children who do not have a hat must remain in the shaded areas of the school. A school hat must be worn in term 1 and 4 but children have a choice of hat in terms 2 and 3. Only school hats are to be worn on excursions.
First Aid
The school has trained Level 2 First Aiders; all children are attended to by one of them. If your child sustains a serious injury, you will be contacted immediately. Where possible, parents will be notified of any bump to their child’s head, which has occurred at school. Please ensure that emergency contact numbers and medication information remains current. Minor first aid is recorded at school. A slip regarding the incident is sent home. It is critical that parents are covered by ambulance cover as if the child requires transport to hospital via ambulance it is extremely expensive.