Day to Day School


There is a break every two hours for eating and drinking. This is designated eating time where the children sit down and eat. It is not a playing time. A healthy snack time is scheduled before lunch for students in Foundation – 2.

School Lunch Orders

These should be in an envelope and clearly marked with your child’s name, grade and the order. Lunch orders are placed in the ‘Lunch Order” bag in the classroom and are taken to the Office for collection Wednesday-Fridays before 9.30.  For our Prep students Lunch Orders are best left for a few weeks into the school year, when children are in the school routines. It is also important to let your child know that there is a lunch order in their bag! No lollies or soft drinks are to be ordered with lunch orders.


For the safety of all students, parents are asked to collect children from the school gates. Teachers will be on duty at these gates until 3.45pm when any remaining children will be bought into the school foyer to wait until collected by their parents.

Parking is available at the front of the school, along the front and side of the Recreation Hall, near the Community House and for the Early Learning Centre; at the back of the school near the Kinder.

Please be sensible when driving in any of these areas as children are sometimes hard to see and can move very quickly.

School Bus

No Foundation students will be able to travel on the school bus during first Term.  For information on bus route and times please see the Office. A school bus operates before and after school.  If you live over 4.8 km from the school and we are your closest school your child/ren may be eligible to travel.  See the Office for further details. Changes in bus arrangements must be communicated to the school.

CSEF. Camps Sports & Excursion Funding

The payment amount is $125 per child per year. To be eligible families must be holders of a Health Care card, Pensioner Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be a temporary foster parent. More information available from the office.

Conveyance Allowance:

This is available if you live more than 4.8km from the nearest neighbourhood school or the closest bus stop. Information available at Office.

School Uniform

Physical activities are a daily part of school and your child’s ability to participate is increased when he/she is wearing shorts or tracksuit pants and suitable footwear. School uniform provides many choices. Our school uniform is available for purchase from Interknit, 1004 Humffray street South Mount Pleasant. There are second-hand uniforms for sale at the school office. Full school uniform must be worn on excursions.

All children must wear hats when they are outside in Terms One and Four. Children who do not have a hat at school must remain under one of the several shaded areas near the buildings. During winter it is advisable that your child brings a coat every day. Unless it is raining, in which case, children remain inside under teacher supervision. Children will be outside at recess and lunch times. As you may already be aware, children take off their shoes when they are inside the main building but are permitted to wear shoes in the Early Learning Centre. Please ensure that all footwear – including elastic sided boots – is named.

Lost Property

We are constantly amazed by the quantity and quality of unclaimed “lost” clothing in the school. All shorts, t-shirts, windcheaters, jumpers, hats, coats and shoes should be named.

There are large plastic bins in the Early Learning Centre and in the  corridor outside the Art room.  Please check these if you have lost any items.

Any unnamed items left at the end of each term are washed and placed in our secondhand uniform supply or sent to the Salvation Army.


 Appropriate enclosed footwear for active play – NO thongs, high heels, “Ugg” boots or “Crocs”.


Jewellery is not to be worn at School. Exemption: earrings – only small studs or sleepers and/or a wrist watch can be worn.